Spinach, Cumin & Cheddar Loaf

Spinach, Cumin & Cheddar Loaf

This recipe is reproduced with the kind permission of the originator, Urvashi Roe, who was commissioned to produce the recipe for Lurpak®. No live yeast was harmed during the making of this loaf, as the recipe uses self raising flour and baking powder.


225g/8oz self-raising flour
1 tsp baking powder
55g/2oz unsalted butter at room temperature
2 sticks of celery - finely chopped
55g/2oz baby leaf spinach - finely chopped
85g/3oz mature Cheddar cheese - finely grated
1 tsp salt
3 tsp cumin seeds - lightly toasted
1 beaten egg
4 tbsp milk


1. Preheat the oven to 190°C.

2. Grease a 450g (1lb) loaf tin and set aside.

3. Sift the flour, baking powder and salt into a large mixing bowl and the lightly rub in the Lurpak® butter till it resembles breadcrumbs.

4. Stir in the chopped celery, spinach, cheese and 2 tsp of the toasted cumin seeds. Add the egg and milk to form a soft dough.

5. Turn the dough onto a lightly floured work surface and knead gently into an oblong shape, which is roughly the same size as your loaf tin. Once kneaded place in the baking tin. Sprinkle the remaining cumin seeds on top.

6. Bake the loaf for 45 minutes until it is risen and golden brown on top.

7. Leave to cool and then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

8. Serve with lightest butter spread on top.


recipe image
Recipe Name

Spinach, Cumin & Cheddar Loaf

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  1. January 11, 2015

    Hello. Thanks for making my recipe. I’m glad you enjoyed making it. Your picture is lovely. You have however lifted my recipe and placed the words on this site and this is quite sad.

    • January 12, 2015

      Actually I lifted it from Lurpak’s website thinking that they would be quite happy to have anything republished that promotes their butter! There was no other information on their site regarding the origin of the recipe so I went ahead. I was not aware of your blog until I read this comment. I am quite happy to delete the post altogether, but a far more positive action would be for me to give you thanks and due credit, and a link back to your blog if you agree. Let me know what you would rather I do. I apologise for any inadvertent infringement of your property rights. By the way, I do try all the recipes on my website, and only post those which I think visitors may enjoy as much as I or my family do. I am not paid for any of the photography which I create at my own considerable expense for the enjoyment of others.

  2. January 11, 2015

    This is a beautiful recipe, just like I thought when I first saw it on The Botanical Baker’s website, a blog I’ve been following for some time. It’s considered very bad form in the food blogging world to steal other people’s recipe. If you want to reproduce, fine, but give due credit to the recipe source!

    • January 12, 2015

      It is difficult to give credit to a source when the website on which I found this recipe does not mention the source. The website was LURPAK® and by way of using their registered name in the recipe, I thought that was credit enough! I would never knowingly use a recipe from somebody’s blog without first seeking their permission. It would appear from the comments on here that Urvashi’s followers are unaware that this recipe was published by Lurpak®.

  3. January 11, 2015

    When you take recipes from web, you should really seek permission and credit the creator. As a professional photographer, I should think you’d support the intellectual property rights of creators!

    • January 12, 2015

      Easy if I knew who the creator was! Please refer to my other comments for an understanding of how this happened.

  4. January 12, 2015

    Perhaps this was done innocently enough, maybe you didn’t realise that one cannot lift a recipe or images from another’s site, but this recipe is actually copywrite to GGBO contestant and food blogger, Urvashi Roe. As a professional photographer I am sure that you protect your rights. Please be a good guy and respect Urvashi’s.

    • January 12, 2015

      I found this on the LURPAK® website linked to an email and photo I received from them last summer. I was not aware of Urvashi Roe or her blog as I presumed that the recipe was the property of Lurpak®. Anyway, I have now replied to Urvashi and we have sorted out any misunderstanding.

      • January 13, 2015

        I knew it must have been something like that as your site is certainly legit. Thanks for letting me know, John. She’s a good friend and was understandably upset. Regards, Kellie


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