By now news has probably filtered through to you in one way or another, that Adobe have released Lightroom CC and 6.0. One of the most dynamic ‘features’ of this new version is that it coincides with the release of Mobile Lightroom for the iPhone. Mobile Lightroom for the iPad was released a couple of months ago, so now you can have a synchronised version of Lightroom on all your mobile devices (as long as they are iOS of course!) although Adobe plan to release other operating system versions in the future.
Laura Shoe the delightful Lightroom guru and aficionado has created a video on her blog that describes all the new features of Lightroom CC/6 in a far more comprehensive way than I could, so I have embedded her video here for your convenience… click the red button!
I have tried the iPhone app myself of course, and my favourite function so far is that you can set it to automatically import photos as you take them on your iPhone. You can then perform a quick edit before sharing them to your social networks in the usual manner. All in all, this provides a very smooth quality control path to the outer reaches!
Adobe are going to continue their Creative Cloud Photography Plan of Lightroom CC plus CC Photoshop, at the special price indefinitely for the foreseeable future, as it has proved so popular. You get two professional flagship software programs for only £8.57 per month or $9.99. This includes the mobile Lightroom and Photoshop apps and all new versions and updates – you don’t pay a penny more. You can even try them out for 30 days without obligation. Got to be the bargain of the century. 🙂